Legal notice:

Regulated by the French law n°2004-575 of June, 21st 2004 for confidence in digital economy


This website is administered by DECOROOM Avenue des Saisons 90, 1050 Bruxelles
T. +32 2 319 84 63
VAT number : BE0721 721 867

Guillaume FONTEIX

Guillaume FONTEIX

Carredas so


Capital of 500 k€ Registered at RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00011 – APE Code 721Z – TVA number : FR 22-424-761-419-00011 Headquarters: 140 Quai du Sartel - 59100 Roubaix - France

John Lelong


The Owner is the sole person liable for any provided information and service. The DECOROOM company, however, strives to feature, to the best of its ability, accurate and updated information on its website and reserves the right to modify its content at any time and without prior notice. The Company also reminds its readers it is their responsibility to verify information found on the website by calling. DECOROOM therefore assumes no responsibility for: any approximations, inaccuracies or omissions on any information available on the website, any damage due to a third party hacking of the website and altering the information provided on the website, and more generally, for any property damage or financial loss, regardless of cause, origin, nature or consequence, due to anybody accessing the website or their inability to access the website, the use of the website and/or validity of any information coming directly or indirectly from the website. Unless otherwise specified, intellectual property rights on any document included in the website and on any of the elements created for this website are the sole and exclusive property of DECOROOM or of its providers, whom do not grant any license or any other right besides the right to visit the website. The reproduction of any document published on this website is only allowed for informational purposes and for personal and private use. It is strictly forbidden to use any reproduction or copy for any other purpose. All brands mentioned on this website are the propriety of their respective companies. All products, logos and images featured on the website are the propriety of their respective companies.


Processing manager identity
All personal data are gathered by Decoroom design, Avenue des Saisons 90, 1050 Bruxelles.

Gathered personal data
We gather first and last name, company, address, phone number and email address whenever you complete an online quote request form or when you subscribe to our newsletters.

Personal data recipients
Personal data is gathered for exclusive use by Decoroom design. This data may, however, be communicated to subsidiaries of the OTCO group, which Decoroom design sometimes uses for services related to your order.

Personal data purpose and processing
Order management
Any data gathered is necessary to manage your orders, provide our services and for ensuing customer relations.

Decoroom design may send newsletters or promotional messages to inform you about our latest news and current events. If you prefer not to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe anytime by clicking on the link at the bottom of our emails or by sending an email to (Upon receipt, we will process your request within 2 months.)

Your rights according to the data protection act
In compliance with the data protection act of August 6th, 2004, you have the right to access, update, oppose and request to have your personal data deleted. Should you wish to do any of these, please contact us at We will provide you with an answer within 2 months of receiving your email.

We use Google Analytics’ audience measurement cookies to analyze your web browsing on our website, to know how many times you visited our website and how long you stayed on our website, all of which is anonymous and does not include any personal information.
You can accept or decline the use of cookies on your computer, tablet or phone. To deactivate cookies, see the following links, according to browser, for instructions:
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For more information on cookies, please visit the CNIL website.


This entire site is covered by French and international copyright law and intellectual property. Any representation, reproduction, modification, commercial use as well as any transfer to another site is prohibited, unless prior consent was requested by mail and given by DECOROOM. Strictly for personal use only.

HYPERTEXT LINKS (liability;)

DECOROOM will not be held liable for the content of any website the user was redirected to through hypertext links featured on the DECOROOM website. Any legal entity or person who wish to have their website’s link featured on must ask for prior authorization. No authorization is required to feature the link on third party’s websites. However, in this particular case, DECOROOM cannot be held liable.